Danielle Small is an experienced content designer.

They are adept at finding creative, user-centered solutions for complex problems.

As a Staff Content Designer for the Trust & Safety team at Twitter, Danielle spent their time considering and finding out the many ways the platform could be weaponized while meeting the needs of customers who experienced harm on the platform. As part of this work, they spearheaded the use of trauma-informed design and content at Twitter, resulting in a more compassionate experience for traumatized or distressed customers.

Danielle believes in a collaborative, thoughtful, and inclusive approach to content that always asks why we're creating this and for whom. They are comfortable leading large, complex projects that involve a heavy amount of cross-functional collaboration. And they feel at home when they get to mentor and lead a team. Before Twitter, they earned a B.S. in Journalism and crafted strategy and messaging for global companies, Fortune 500 companies, startups, agencies, and nonprofits.